Tuesday 24 May 2011

My Summer 2011 Short Film Project - First Stages

This summer I will have a lot of time on my hands and I see it as the perfect opportunity for me to make a short film. I have a made a couple before with the help of two or three friends, and I have learnt much from these past projects.

The main thing I have learnt is to plan out my story and storyboard in much more detail than I have done before...making it up as you go along can not only be a waste of time and resources but you will not get the result you were looking for initially. Try not to do much on impulse!

I have found a couple of actors interested in my future productions who I will contact when, and only when, my story has been finalized. This will save any confusion for both myself and the actors. Try to keep everything concise and as clear as possible when trying to get people interested in your project.

As of now I am in the writing stage, and will be for some time until I am sure it will work, considering the budget of the film (which is low enough to be considered a zero-budget production) and the actors/props/locations available and accessible. Remember it is not a good idea to write a story based too much around a prop or location. For example, there are so many student/amateur films portraying children running around their street in t-shirts and shorts shooting each other with toy guns, who are far too preoccupied to think up a decent storyline and try in any way to make the film engaging. For a successful short film, the storyline is key. Don't just be a 'kid with a toy gun and a camera'. 'Nuff said.

To begin planning I have taken some ideas from different films i've seen to give me inspiration. However it is not a good idea to copy an idea straight from a movie. Only use these ideas as inspiration to develop your own, as films are much more interesting when they're unique.

I will update this blog when i've made progress on the planning!


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